Trains are coming… What should you do?

Trains are coming… What should you do?

Everyone knows to look both ways when you cross the street, but what should you do at train tracks? After an incident with a train at Goshen College, the campus woke up to the dangers that trains pose. The city of Goshen urges the importance of train safety. Both Chad...
Hispanic Heritage Festival 2022

Hispanic Heritage Festival 2022

The Hispanic Heritage Festival returned to Goshen for the second year! Following a successful turnout last year they went into it optimistic, hoping for even more. The festival is a stepping stone, as people hope it will lead to more festivals celebrating different...
Globe News Report Season 5 Episode 1

Globe News Report Season 5 Episode 1

On the first episode of the Glove News report for season 5, Amelia and Alyssa focus on local music and events in the Goshen area. They discuss GOFEST, a new music festival that took over downtown Goshen. Arts on the Millrace and the amount of Goshen College graduates...