Plastic bottles… We use them everyday whether it be for soap, cleaning supplies, or even shampoo. Now, two sisters are promoting sustainability with a refillery in Downtown Goshen. The new shop is called the Green Bee. It’s the first of its kind, in Goshen and was originally placed in Dunlap. Brandy Nichols and Ashley Anglmyer say that their love for reusing what they already had came from their shared interest of making art. It’s a new family store for them, one that wasn’t passed down generationally. The sisters say that the first step to using less starts at home. Their passion for reusing has been passed on to their family and friends and now the downtown Goshen Community. According to Johnson and Johnson, 552 million shampoo bottles end up in landfills everyday in the United States. Nichols says that we’re all in the reusing process together. T he Green Bee has been making a buzz on Facebook, where they’ve hundreds of likes and followers while in their short time being open in Goshen. If you’re looking to get rid of used plastic and glass containers, The Green Bee will gladly take them and give them to the next customer to re-use. They can be found on their website, and on Instagram and Facebook, @thegreenbee22

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