As a loyal listener you are a part of our success! Your support of 91.1 The Globe makes a difference especially during our annual membership drive.
Consider becoming a member or renewing your membership today! Make a pledge by clicking on the “Become a Member” button, or by calling the radio station at 574-535-7488.
Thank you!
Jason Samuel, General Manager
Membership Levels and Benefits
$100+ Loyal Listener
- Globe Logo Camp Cup
$225+ Festival Fanatic
- Globe Logo Camp Cup
- Globe Quarter Zip Sweatshirt
$365+ Radio Star
- 2-hour DJ Shift
- Globe Logo Camp Cup
- Globe Quarter Zip Sweatshirt
$600+ Globe Partner
- Underwriting for one year
- T-shirt
Day sponsor messages air four times on the day of your choice and are a great way to wish someone happy birthday or anniversary, acknowledge a special occasion or announce a special event for your favorite non-profit. The message can be up to 20 seconds in length. Day sponsor messages must follow FCC guidelines for public radio.
Members + Partners
Thanks to our 2025 underwriters!
Boys and Girls Club of Elkhart County
Cressy and Everett
Concord Music Group
The Electric Brew
Edible Michiana
Elephant Bar
Elkhart Public Library
Everence Financial
Eyedart Creative Studio
Fables Books
Goshen Brewing Company
Helmuth Woordworks
Ignition Music Garage
Maple City Bowl
Model Real Estate
Nelson’s Herbs
Northern Indiana Clay Alliance
Rouffe Co
Signature Lanes
Unique Siding