The last week in January of 2019 marked Goshen Theater Week. The week was in recognition of the raising of just over five million dollars for the renovation of the Goshen Theater. The upgrades will include an elevator, HVAC repairs, fire escapes brought up to code, and a new screen with an upgraded projector. One million dollars is still looking to be raised to sustain Goshen Theater, Inc, as well as taking volunteers. The programming will change at the Goshen Theater as well. The Goshen Theater, Inc. hopes the theater will become a venue to rent out for spaces. Whether it is a wedding, party, or family reunion. It will still be a place to watch movies and hold dance classes, but the hope is that the Goshen Theater becomes a hot spot for the community. The Goshen Theater will be open for most of the renovations until May when it will close for a few months. To donate money or to volunteer your time you can go

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